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Resources for Administrators

Administrator Roles & Responsibilities

How to Print Annual WIDA Letters from ELLevation

Completing Monitoring Forms & Exit Interviews on ELLevation

Title III Compliance

Compliance documentation is due at the semester and end of the year.  Your teacher specialist will contact you with your school's compliance document each year in the fall. Refer to the LCS Master Plan (updated August 2024) for questions about ELD and school support. 

Compliance Workshop Dates for 2024-2025: Located in the District Office, Room 129 (training room)

Professional Development

  • ML Task Force Team Trainings Twice Yearly
  • ELD Leads have networking meetings twice per year (admin are always invited to come as well), as well as monthly PLC meetings via Zoom (PLC attendance is optional).
  • Teacher Specialists are available by request for Professional Development at your school. PDs can be done during faculty meetings, half-day, or full-day.
  • Reading Horizons training available by request. Two half days, two full days, or reoccurring training available.


Refusing Services

Forms are to be handed out by parent request only. Teachers and counselors should not have copies of the forms. Suggesting students opt out of ML services to avoid a schedule change is unethical.

*Contact your teacher specialist to request a form.

From the U.S. Department of Justice:

"School districts may not recommend that parents decline all or some services within an EL program for any reason, including facilitating scheduling of special education services or other scheduling reasons. A parent’s decision to opt out of an EL program or particular EL services must be knowing and voluntary. Thus, school districts must provide guidance in a language parents can understand to ensure that parents understand their child’s rights, the range of EL services that their child could receive, and the benefits of such services before voluntarily waiving them."

If an ML student who opted out of the school district’s ML programs or services does not demonstrate appropriate growth in English proficiency or struggles in one or more subjects due to language barriers, the school district’s affirmative steps include informing the ML student’s parents of his or her lack of progress and offering the parents further opportunities to enroll the student in the ML program or at least certain ML services at any time.

Things to note:

  • Refusing Services is NOT the same as Opting Out of the WIDA test.
  • Refusing Services is NOT the same as refusing rights to English support.
  • Refusal of Services will need to be signed each school year.
  • If parents sign a refusal of services, students will need an ILDP filled out by the ELD Lead and LA teacher (completed in ELLevation).
  • Parents must be notified and informed of their options if a student who has refused services does not make adequate progress.
  • IMPORTANT: Parents can no longer opt out of the WIDA test-Students may opt out, but parents cannot opt them out. It is part of the student's civil right to test each year.  

Fees and Waivers

Publishing the Fee Schedule in Languages Other than English

When an LEA’s student or parent population in a single language other than English exceeds 20%, the LEA shall also publish the fee schedule and fee waiver policies in the language of those families. An LEA representative shall meet personally with each student’s parent or family and make available an interpreter for the parent to understand the LEA’s fee waiver schedules and policies if:

  1. the student or parent’s first language is a language other than English; and

  2. the LEA hasn’t published the LEA’s fee schedule and fee waiver policies in the parent’s first language.

School Fees PDF (From USBE)

Fee Waivers